- Sábado 04 de Maio de 2024
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Citrosuco - Company fined in accidental death

LAKE WALES - The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has fined a Lake Wales company $5,400 in connection with a fatal industrial accident last year.

In a settlement with OSHA, Citrosuco North America Inc. agreed to pay the fine resulting from a March 19, 2008, accident that killed Eddie L. Batson, 42, of Waverly, according to a report.

An investigation revealed that Citrosuco was in violation of two OSHA regulations, the report states.

The $5,400 fine is a reduction from the originally imposed fine of $10,800 fine.

At the time of his death, Batson was working for a contractor hired by Citrosuco. He was killed when a gear box, suspended from a fork lift, fell and crushed him, investigators reported.

By - http://www.newschief.com/article/20090507/NEWS/905075003/1021/NEWS01?Title=Local-news-briefs


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